6 Days of Unhealthy Air: “Poor” to “Very Poor” Air Quality Forecast

Delhi’s Air Quality remains in the “Very Poor” category, Smog and Fog likely to continue for the next couple of days.

On Monday, Delhi was labeled at a record level “very poor” with the Air Quality Index reaching 340 by 9 am, and December 26 data revealed the Central Pollution Control Board. As there had been unfavourable conditions for pollutant dispersion on the next days, it has deteriorated for quite a few days and it is going to continue for some more days.

Among 38 air quality monitoring stations in the capital, 32 are reporting values in the “very poor” category. AQEWS forecasts that air quality on 27 Dec would be “poor,” followed by “moderate” on 28 Dec and then again “poor” on 29 Dec. AQI is expected to continue remaining within “poor” to “very poor” range for next six days and is to become worse if there is not even a slight change in prevailing weather conditions.
It presents an air quality index that measures five major pollutants-the PM2.5 and PM10, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone. As put in the range zero to 50, the CPCB says, values are “good”, 51 to 100 “satisfactory”, 101 to 200 “moderate”, 201 to 300 “poor”, 301 to 400 “very poor” and from 401 to 500 “severe”.

The air quality of Delhi AQI has reached to the level of 340 today and was included in the category of “very poor”. Exposure towards this kind of air quality could provoke various respiratory issues, if it keeps on passing through for a relatively more significant duration. This particular impact on sensitive groups becomes so hazardous that there emerges some danger for the kids or elders and even asthma patients, heart patients, etc.

Three-Day weather forecast:
AQEWS has put up a detailed forecast for the coming days, which reads, “Air quality in Delhi to remain poor to very poor during the next few days due to low wind speeds and a less than optimal ventilation index”. It has been noted that the ventilation index, which gives an idea of how good the atmosphere is at dispersing pollutants, has been very low for the coming days. For example, on December 26, the ventilation index shall have reached only 500 m2/s and air circulation is relatively extremely poor. But, however, on 27 December, it will do better and bring a ventilation index up to reach 1500 m2/s; by the end of December 28 it shall go up to 4000 m2/s but is still insufficient enough to penetrate and flush out the pollutants.

Weather Synopsis and Detail Forecast
Dec 26: The wind speed will be below 6 kmph till evening and it will reduce below 4 kmph at night. Shallow fog and smog with isolated light rains may occur during the night and early morning. There will be poor air quality accompanied by increased haze as there will be stagnation of air and low-level wind movements.
27th Dec. Gusty wind will be absent during morning; they will increase and come almost near 12 kmph sometimes during afternoon but decline back to 4 kmph by evening and night. Smoky conditions, foggy along with a partly cloudy sky would dominate throughout the day. This also forecasts light to moderate rain with thunderstorms that would carry lightning and gusty winds, momentarily clearing some of the pollutants in the atmosphere but nothing further than that.

December 28 (Tomorrow After Yesterday): All weather condition will be of the same category as yesterday-the wind speed will rise a little in the afternoon but will be the same at night as it was in the morning hours. Fog and smog will be there with light or moderate rain and thunder showers. No possibility that the weather will deteriorate to reduce the quality of the air.

Dec 29, Sun: It will probably be a better day for afternoon with wind of 6-8 kmph. It will, however be very weak during morning and evening hours. Sighting conditions will not improve much in smog and fog conditions. The sky condition shall improve, but the hazard to health is there after all. Though it can partly clear, bad AQ prevails at large.
This would result in a longer duration of “very poor” and “poor” air quality with public health impacts on mainly children, the elderly, and patients with respiratory diseases such as asthma or COPD. Long-term exposure to severe exposure of high levels of air pollution can aggravate conditions for respiratory disease and risks heart conditions.

Generally, the public is advised to observe a number of precautions such as

Reduce Out of Door Activities: Try to minimize your exposure to outdoor air pollution, especially during the peaks hours of pollution that occur at morning and evening.
Use Masks: Use N95 or equivalent high efficiency masks that filter fine particulate matter (PM2.5).
Close Your Windows: Do not open your windows for dirty air to penetrate houses or offices.
Monitor the air quality updates and information regarding the weather.
See a Doctor: Patients who have been afflicted with any sort of respiratory or heart issue should heed the words of the doctors if they want to receive the proper treatment in such bad quality of air related conditions.

Delhi has lost all its mind as far as the air quality has been concerned which has now turned nasty and all of the city comes under “very poor” conditions. Conditions that are similar, if a wee bit superior will continue, but overall they would prove deleterious to health. It should be the task of the authorities to make sure that the message to the people is taken to get appropriate precautionary measures done so health hazards are not merely created but at least mitigated to a minimum. This is the time when long-term measures are really needed to look after the pollution in the capital, strong emission control, and better green spaces and management of air quality.

Source: Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Air Quality Early Warning System (AQEWS)

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