IIT Bombay Makes Comprehensive Sustainability Policy

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay announced its first sustainability policy document, reflecting a positive outlook for its campus environment. “This policy aims to achieve clear objectives such as waste segregation, energy and water conservation, carbon neutrality, and biodiversity enhancement, providing a comprehensive framework for our location in Powai, a densely populated suburb of Mumbai,” said IIT officials during the policy release.

The ten-page revelation on Monday outlines the carbon-emission-free vision for IIT Bombay, while the policy mandates the construction of additional infrastructure that promotes seamless costs with hands full standing under canopy cover. Among initiatives for biodiversity improvement are compensation tree plantation, native shrub and grass planting, and butterfly gardens.

As an additional habitat, a biodiversity lab is planned. The roadmap also comprises plans for landscaping of roadsides and open spaces with native and seasonal flowering plants, and playfields for sports recreation purposes for students, staff, and families. Biodiversity, water conservation, and energy usage will be tracked through periodic audits.

For this reason, the institute announced that as it continues to aspire to achieve zero carbon emissions, it will phase out gasoline and diesel in favor of a more sustainable form of transport such as walking and cycling around within the campus. Land use development refers to a campus becoming self-sufficient, implying little need for residents to visit outside for day-to-day things.

Another high-priority area is waste management, which is what this policy has brought forth-give all the configuration of an inductive management of waste.

(Source: Indian Express)

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