NMDC Steel Limited Releases Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report for FY 2023-24

NMDC Steel Limited Releases Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report for FY 2023-24

NMDC Steel Limited Releases Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report for FY 2023-24
NMDC Steel Limited released its Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report for the fiscal year 2023-24 in keeping with key imperatives on sustainability, environmental stewardship, and social governance. Being one of the established players in the steel industry, NMDC Steel keeps the spotlight on sustainable practices across operations while adhering to the latest regulatory requirements. Compliance with SEBI Regulations This report is filed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements, 2015. A copy thereof has been furnished to the major stock exchanges, namely BSE Limited, NSE of India, and Calcutta Stock Exchange. Its submission manifests the transparency and accountability of the company regarding reporting its business practices. Overview of the Salient Features of the Report BRSR depicts the restless effort of NMDC Steel in the spheres of reduction of environmental footprint, waste management, and judicious use of energy. The report also throws light on different shades of social responsibility related to the welfare of employees, community involvement, and sustainability as far as the supply chain is concerned. These initiatives represent the holistic approach of NMDC Steel while discharging ESG obligations. Accessibility of the Report Investors and others may also access the full report at NMDC Steel Investors. The report offers an all-inclusive perspective of the performance on dimensions of sustainable business goals set for the years 2023–24. Signed by Company Secretary The report is sealed with an official signature by Aniket Kulshreshtha, Company Secretary of NMDC Steel Limited, further establishing the fact that the firm conforms to the regulatory framework in existence. Source: BRSR Credit: NMDC Steel Limited

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