PwC Greece appoints Antonios Tsiligiannis as ESG, Sustainability & Climate Change Manager, enhancing its leadership in sustainable initiatives, urban resilience, and climate-focused solutions. His extensive expertise will drive innovative strategies for a greener future.

PwC: 50% of Workers Overwhelmed; Leadership, Upskilling Key

Global- More than half of employees are overwhelmed by the pace of change in their workplaces, according to the latest PwC Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey. But even as many workers may be overwhelmed, a wide measure of optimism still pervades employees who even say they would like to use new technologies such as GenAI to augment efficiency in their work.

Yet this willingness to change is tempered with bewilderment and insecurity. While more than half of employees surveyed are optimistic about their company’s prospects, 44% also report that they don’t fully understand the rationale behind the changes being instituted. This is where clear and effective communication from leadership becomes extremely critical if compliance is to be turned into proactive involvement in bringing about these changes.

It is for this reason that leadership is a foothold while navigating turbulent times. Similarly, a survey from the American Psychological Association says that two-thirds of employees have undergone more changes in the last year than in previous years, and experts term it “change fatigue.” This phenomenon is affecting productivity and morale across organizations negatively.

Countering this, the survey suggests that leaders must build resilience in employee well-being. This needs to be within a culture of work-life balance, reasonable expectations, and always keeping lines of communication open. This can help sustain employee morale and performance in times of high change.

But even while the capability of GenAI to drive innovation and efficiency is crystal clear, real-world adoption of this technology remains in its infancy. Indeed, though 61% of workers have used GenAI at least once in the past year, regular use remains low. Experimentation needs to be encouraged, and employees need training and resources if leaders want to see the full potential of GenAI realized.

The survey also underlines upskilling. Nearly half of those employees say that skill development is one of the most significant reasons for staying with their present employer; yet only 46% feel that their employers are offering them upskilling opportunities-one more signal that there is much room for improvement.

Finally, the survey shows that an opportunity exists to build a positive employee experience. Many workers increasingly detect an apparent discrepancy between what they need-fair pay, flexibility, and meaning at work-and what they get. Closing such gaps can seriously raise morale among employees and boost their productivity.

In other words, the change will happen; the only degree of difference is the leadership to which it will be supported. With a heightened focus on communication, innovation, upskilling, and employee experience, leadership can create an agile and engaged workforce-for whatever comes next.

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