Rajesh Exports Limited Advances Responsible Business Practices with Sustainability Report

Rajesh Exports Limited Advances Responsible Business Practices with Sustainability Report

Rajesh Exports Limited Advances Responsible Business Practices with Sustainability Report
Rajesh Exports Limited, a leader in gold manufacturing, has released its Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) for fiscal year 2023-24. This reflects the commitment of the company to ethics, sustainable growth, and stakeholder inclusivity, among other ideal virtues, guiding responsible business conduct in line with national guidelines. The company has been headquartered since 1995 and operates in India and abroad. In fact, with two plants within India alone, the company takes its operation beyond the country's boundaries also because it has three offices outside the country. A very important component of the report is that the company would focus on the production of gold-related products in a responsible manner. The very base of the revenue of the company derives from 100% gold products. Commitment toward the workforce and other stakeholders' welfare The company has a diversified workforce, with 19% of its permanent employees being female. The employee welfare section portrays the successful steps taken by it in maintaining workplace equality and accessibility, mainly towards the disabled. The report states that health and safety training is performed among all employees and workers, and no major incidents were reported during the year. Rajesh Exports exercises corporate social responsibility, as with the legal mandate of India's Companies Act, as it contributes to projects furthering community welfare, such as the "Anna Dan Project," which supported over 50,000 people. Environmental Responsibility This therefore strengthens the fact that the gold production processes by Rajesh Exports have minimal environmental effects. There is no contribution of greenhouse gas emissions, hazardous waste, or industrial liquid discharge to/from operations. It remains compliant with the provisions of the national environment law and attaches a confirmation to state that not one of its offices or plants falls within an environmentally sensitive zone. Although not energy-intensive, the business accounted for 794 GJ of energy consumption in the year presently, indicating its continued efforts at reducing energy use in its operations. Future The report highlights that Rajesh Exports remains dedicated to ethical governance and transparency and its stance on anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies. The firm's leadership still controls its sustainability initiatives, such as its sourcing responsibly, especially from micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The company, therefore, positions itself as an industry leader in responsible business practices focusing on inclusive growth, environmental stewardship, and consumer protection. Source: BRSR Credit: Rajesh Exports Limited

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