Sberbank Receives ACRA’s Prestigious ESG-AA Rating

The Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) assigned the Savings Bank an ESG-AA rating at the ESG-2 level.

This level has the highest rating among all assigned ACRE in the Russian market. It indicates that the Beac is paying more attention to environmental issues, social responsibility, and corporate governance.

The agency noted that the bank distinguished itself by its policies, procedures, and measurable performance indicators in the field of managing key industry ESG risks, a high level of compliance with best practices, and the presence of “green” projects in the structure of the portfolio of loans.

ACRA highly appreciated the expansion of the range of online and digital services, support for federal and regional environmental projects, and the implementation of its own environmental programs. The Agency drew attention to the availability of preferential products for vulnerable and special categories of customers, the contribution to the development of the social sphere of the regions of presence and one hundred percent coverage of employee training.

“The integration of the agenda into business processes in Sberbank is at a very high level: 95 percent of the ESG factors included in the assessment comply with the best international practices,”,` stated Tatyana Zavyalova, Senior Vice President for ESG at Sberbank. According to her, this year’s rating includes a large number of new criteria for the social component, such as the availability of specialised financial products and services, employee coverage under the VMI programme, and collaboration with universities.”According to them, the BEAC showed full compliance and received high marks. We will continue to move in this direction, improving our practices for the sustainable development of the country, for the benefit of each of its inhabitants. This is the basis of our new human—centered strategy,” she said.

The Bank received the highest score for corporate governance, cybersecurity, and personal data protection. Beber’s best corporate governance practices were recognised for their high-profile experience with collegial bodies, open communication with investors and stakeholders, and an effective corporate governance strategy.


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