Vidhi Specialty Food Ingredients Limited's Commitment to Sustainability in FY 2023-24
Vidhi Specialty Food Ingredients Limited's Commitment to Sustainability in FY 2023-24
Vidhi Specialty Food Ingredients Limited, one of the leading players in synthetic and natural food-grade colors, announced its BRSR for FY 2023-24. The report is a part of the company's Integrated Annual Report, reiterating the unstinting commitment of the group to the basic principles of ESG. At a time when industries worldwide struggle to find ways of addressing the challenges of sustainability, the initiatives that Vidhi has taken in energy efficiency, water management, and waste management make it stand out and set the benchmark in the field of chemicals with ethics.
The report enumerates some key milestones achieved by Vidhi concerning its footprint in environmental degradation. Some of these are the commissioning of a 2.5 MW solar power project at Sunbless Solar Park in Maharashtra, significantly reducing Vidhi's dependence on non-renewable sources; modernization concerning enhancing the energy efficiency of its equipment; and the implementation of comprehensive water recycling and rainwater harvesting practices to utilize water resources more sustainably.
Similarly, Vidhi needs to catch up in managing the waste created by it. The company has installed systems for reverse osmosis in its Dahej facility for the treatment of generated wastewater and to have minimum effects on the environment. Further, pollution control under Vidhi is very much in tune with the guidelines regarding hazardous waste management, making it once again responsible business behavior.
Another very important area Vidhi focuses on is employee welfare. It lays considerable emphasis on continuous health and safety training and is engaged in maintaining an efficient OHS system at all manufacturing plants. This will not only guarantee a safe working environment but also be in line with the greater goal of respecting human rights and transparency with ethics.
Overview The BRSR of Vidhi Specialty Food Ingredients Limited for FY 2023-24 underlines the leadership of the company in integrating sustainability into the core of its operations. In doing so, Vidhi is setting new benchmarks in the chemical industry: prioritizing renewable energy sources, using water judiciously, and following stringent scientific waste management practices. As the company is on its journey to align its operations with global ESG standards, it remains a model for others in the industry. Apart from its commitment to ethical practices, this holistic view of sustainability makes Vidhi sustainable and one of the most responsible leaders in the sector.
Source: BRSR
Credit: Vidhi Specialty Food Ingredients Limited