Zota Healthcare Emphasizes Sustainability and Social Responsibility in 2023-24 BRSR

The Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report of Zota Healthcare Limited, one of the leading pharmaceutical companies, for the financial year 2023-24 encompasses a summarized outline of the company’s business operations, its sustainability, and all other social-related initiatives with a focused approach towards responsible business. Headquartered in Gujarat, India, Zota Healthcare has been on the continuous path of protecting the interests of its customers and also the environment through its business model—utilizing affordable healthcare solutions.

This report further classifies Zota’s operations, which include pharmaceutical manufacturing and marketing, comprising 100% of the turnover. Operating in 26 Indian states and exporting products to 30 countries, Zota Healthcare plays an important role in both domestic and international markets. The company’s product portfolio comprises pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and wellness products, with allopathic medicines generating a large part of its revenue. This becomes possible because the robust supply chain that Zota has set up ensures quality from the time of manufacturing to end consumers.

One of the key highlights of the 2023-24 BRSR at Zota Healthcare relates to employee welfare. The company informs that all of its 445 employees—21% women—are under comprehensive health insurance and accident insurance plans. Also, Zota gives equal opportunities to employees irrespective of their gender, caste, or background. Their policy on employee health and well-being is reflected in the occupational health and safety management system of the company, which satisfies Indian standards, thus having a safe environment for all workers.

Zota Healthcare focuses much on environmental sustainability as well. During 2023-24, the total energy consumed by the company was around 2987.65 GJ, most of it from non-renewable sources, showing a steep increase compared to the previous year. Direct environmental impact assessments have not been made, but the pollution-free manufacturing practices by Zota are followed at its Special Economic Zone, Surat facility, for the manufacture of general tablets and capsules. Besides this, the hazardous pharmaceutical waste generated by the company is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner; expired and banned products are disposed of by environmental standards.

Zota has also paid due attention to business ethics and social responsibility. The BRSR portrays that the corporate governance culture is very strong in the company, and for this, the company has adopted several policies like the Code of Conduct and Vigil Mechanism. This helps the business be undertaken decently and responsibly. Moreover, the CSR activities of Zota would relate to healthcare, education, and community welfare. Zota is thus striving through “DavaIndia” to achieve access to affordable medicines for low-income groups to make healthcare more inexpensive for the impoverished sections of society.
The report also tends to focus on Zota’s initiative for a pluralist and inclusive workplace where everybody gets an opportunistic chance to work. It also shows the company’s involvement in community commitment through various engagements in social development activities, economically empowering the weaker sections either by way of livelihood or through welfare programs. Thus, Zota is not only concerned with its growth but also with contributing a lot to the society it is a part of.

Overview: This report is the BRSR of Zota Healthcare Limited for the year 2023-24 and represents the commitment to sustainable development, social responsibility, and ethics in business. In this rapid growth period, its sustainability over environment conservation, welfare of employees, and community engagements will remain key to its mission. Given its efforts, Zota Healthcare is all set to contribute meaningfully to the healthcare scenario in India while adhering to every principle of corporate sustainability and responsibility.

Source: BRSR
Credit: Zota Healthcare Limited

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